Sunday, February 27, 2011

Yes, it's Sunday... and out my kitchen window ...

Comes the inspiration for todays sketch.  I love the windows in our house.  I have been inspired countless times by the nature within the framing of the glass!  It is like taking out your viewfinder and poof there's your picture or painting to be...
I had filled the birdfeeder as the snow had finally melted enough to get to it.  What a day of wild activity insued!  A large flicker woodpecker even paid a visit but took flight before I could get the camera.  The usuals showed up - my cardinals, Ray & Tille (who have been painted many times).  All the little chickadees and sparrows - even a few finches were in the mix.  As I was working along doing dishes - I looked up and a squirrel that had taken over the feeder looked up too...
"ut-oh busted, I think she knows I'm not a bird!"
After the initial eye contact- he went back to cleaning out the feeder.  You can tell he is not malnourished but I couldn't shoo him away.  I loved watching his tail swish and his cheeks filling up as much as they could.  A few birds showed up and off he went.
So here is my take on his visit...

I had put down a wash on a journal page a few weeks ago of saturated watercolor knowing that something would come along to put on it.  Wah-lah, using watercolor pencil and crayons - a touch of acrylic and I love how he came out!  Ut-oh busted!
The thing about doing art - is that it is about the doing!!!  No, we cannot all be Picasso...but do we really need to be?   I stand by my theory that make art - make friends - share art - share souls!!!  It is all about the doing, sharing and giving!!!!  So, normally you'd now go to Sunday Sketches and check out some souls!!!  Unfortunately our host, Sophia's dad is very ill.  We wish her and him the best and have them in our thoughts this week.  You can visit the site and scroll down to last Sunday - or just leave her a hug today!
cheers, dana

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Well, really all shades of yellow - at this point in time! I believe we change constantly, sort of like a mood ring - yes I have one! My good friend Jonesy gave it to me years ago - I love wearing it!
Anyways, currently I consider myself associated with  yellows - deep goldtones that reflect browns - keeping me grounded - think of the center of a sunflower. 

 Then spreading out into all the deep yellow tones to the tips of the petals brightly shining yellow.  I love yellow flowers - all of them... I used to send flowers to my mother-in-law for our anniversary (my anniversary happened to have been on the same date as my husband's dad and her's)  My father-in-law had passed away first so I would send her flowers - always yellow - so she knew right away who they were from.  It makes me feel like sunshine is coming indoors - it can't help but put a smile on someone's face.

So, back to what color are you?  Are you inside or outside of the lines.... I would love to say that I am a trained fine arts major and can do realistic paintings all within the lines... Realist work is so incredible.  Alias, I am a self-taught - still learning - outside the lines just do it kind of girl!!!  So here is my yellow - the purple is the color of my childhood and is the opposite to yellow - so perfect together.  I am sharing that with the sketchbook challenge - this month is opposites.  So, this will be my opposites coming together 2. . . visit and join in the fun. 
I have loved reading everyones comments about what  color you are - it has been fun looking into your blogs with that insight!  Please leave a comment, with a link to your blog with your color commentary!!!!
I will be back Sunday for Sunday Sketches - this past weekend had one of our granddaughters, Cameron, and we were so busy didn't have time to sketch!

We waxed flowers (thanks Margaret), beaded a necklace, made cupcakes and chocolate chip pancakes... we had fun!

Make a great week! 
cheers, dana

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Guild meeting...

Okay - as I have confidently stated that I am an artist... that didn't last long!  Attended the guild meeting with an internationally accomplished artist as speaker.  Mark Mehaffey, water media artist!  WOW, incredible work and insight he gave into it.  Way beyond what I think and do - starts the head spinning.
Here is the thank you I sent to my photographic artist friend Deb for inviting me:

I want to thank you for inviting me to attend your meeting last night. I hate being late so it was a real mental game for me to show up. My brain was saying - you are going to be obviously late and you aren't really qualified to hang out with artisits'. I am sure you understand where I was coming from. Soooooooooooo, I feel like I made a huge leap showing up! As I sat, listened and observed his incredible art - wow - again, what am "I" doing here... I have decided... lots! Yep, I'm just a Sunday artists as one of my art friends says - but hey - you've got to start somewhere and how else can I improve if I don't expose myself to others of huge talent.

So blogland friends, yes, back to the drawing board on my painting of Cloee - no I won't take you through the whole process again BUT do hope to show you a more emotionally impacted rendition in the future.

I had planned a path for today's post that is totally changed direction but two challenges or just things to ponder...
What color are you?  Are you inside or outside the lines???? 
 I shall give you my answer with a sketch next week.  If you would like to share your answer - please post a comment and your blog address - I don't know how to do the winky linky things!!!

AND THIS IS REALLY BIG...does anyone remember a Paul Newman movie where he played an artist in Paris???  I remember him in a studio with music blasting and a huge machine with crazily swinging robotic arms with paint brushes going everywhere...  AM I Nuts or was this a real movie... maybe it wasn't Newman... help????

cheers, dana

Sunday, February 13, 2011

being comfortable as an artist - sharing Sunday Sketches...

Wow, today I am celebrating my 54th birthday!!!  Yep, I gladly state my age!!!  It is what it is - I am who I am!!!  A lot more wrinkles than I'd like to see but the rest is pretty damn good!!!  I have a happy life in fact - just now my biggest fan, my husband Mark - just sat down a plate of cheese, crackers, fruit and a morning (yes, morning - it is my birthday) glass of wine.  He said - you've already been up for hours - or it would have been breakfast in bed!!!  Yay!  Anyways back to my Sunday yadda yadda...
Here is my Sunday Sketch as I celebrate my day!!!
a day to have fun!!!
Please take time to visit all the artists on Sunday Sketches hosted by Sophia at
So many wonderful pieces of art & poetry!!!!
Again, today, for the last time I am sharing the completed! yes, completed! painting of my granddaughter!
Thanks soooooooooooo much for indulging me through her completion!

I can't wait to give this painting to her!!!  She is 7 now and this is when she was 18mths.  She loves doing art with grams!  Especially if she gets to go into the "real" studio instead of the kitchen table to do it!!! lol

I would like to share some info for my upcoming week... I am attending a local art guild meeting.  This is my first venture out into the "real" local art world.  I have been invited by an accomplished artist photographer and friend.  Deb Drew Brown has exhibited in the ArtPrize Contest in Grand Rapids Michigan - a huge and fascinating event that takes over the downtown area.  She is currently showing at the Schuler's bookstore in the trendy Eastwood Towne Center in E. Lansing, Michigan.  Deb was also featured in our local magazine Capital Area Women's Lifestyle - check it out at
You can view her beautiful work on her website
Her photos take you into them... I feel here butterflies touch my skin when I look at them... I can put my hand out and the birds may land on my palm!!!  As I struggle to take photos I am in awe of her accomplishments!!!!
Deb is also treasurer of a local art guild and tomorrow (Valentine's Day) the featured artist is an internationally awarded and recognized watercolorist Mark Mehaffey.  He is going to speak on how to make your painting your own!!!!!  I am sooooooooo excited.  I have to work and will get there late but can't wait to meet this man.  I have been trying to take one of his workshops  for the last 2 years but schedules just don't seem to allow that just yet!
I am definitely moving forward in an artistic direction!!!  To quote Deb from her article, "do something that you've always wanted to do without fear!"
Take that quote and run with it this week!!!!  Thanks for visiting!  Stop by Thursday - I have a challenge for you!
cheers, dana
make art, make friends - share art, share souls

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Being true to my 2011 commitment... the me I want to be...

If you read my post on January 2nd - you saw that I started a journal for 2011.  My theme: the me I want to be in 2011 - the me I AM only better... so how is it going???  An update:
For me, queen of procrastination, I think I am moving in a good direction!!!  Wow, am I really complimenting myself - why yes I am!!!  Oh yes, and as I said last week I am calling myself an artist.  A bold statement but I have to start somewhere.  When I was in Key West with Sanford Birdsey - she told me that I must first respect myself then respect my art - regardless of what level I thought I was at or type of art - I had to first respect myself.  This made me think of the year 2000 when I was training for my first (and only full) marathon.  I had finally gotten up to a 10 mile run - man if I can do this I can do anything!!!  Yep, a week later my youngest son and I were in a pretty bad car accident.  My knees were bashed into the steering column - swollen - black and blue - painful for weeks - I also fractured my shoulder.  After a week of boo-hoo I wrapped my knees - put my sling on - wrapped it tight to my torso - and went down to the middle schools track!  I walked - lap after limping lap.  A couple weeks went by and I slowly trotted lap after lap.  I was there one day and a "real" runner was doing speedy lap after speedy lap.  I was on the inside lane so when I would hear him coming I would move to the outside so that he could maintain his pace.  When he finished he ran up to me and thanked me for moving over.  I replied, well YOU are a REAL runner so the lane should be yours.  His reply to me, "how many people do you see out here, me and YOU, YOU are a REAL RUNNER.  It is not how fast you go, it is that you are out here!  Keep going you have a steady stride!"  And he ran off into the sunset as they say.  What  a liberating moment!
How does this relate to my art???  Check out Kelly Rae Roberts e-course and you will see that she is extending the same motivation and inspiration to call me out as an artist - how many people are putting brush to paper???  Yes, I am an artist and proud of my progress into 2011

cheers, dana
and by the way... I did complete the 26.2 mile run in Tampa, FL December 2000 - no I haven't done a full marathon since but several 1/2 marathons - currently the damage from that accident has my knees not liking to trot so we are walking and biking - still trying to get back into the run!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Back for Sunday Sketches and Sketchbook Challenge...PLUS...

So much has gone on the last 2 weeks, sorry I was unable to participate last Sunday.  My mom, 76 years young, fell and broke her wrist.  Her left wrist - she is left handed so it has been quite an ordeal.  I have spent my spare time preparing some food and going to check on her.  She is a little over an hour away so I haven't had much art-time.   Anyways, she is on the mend and thankfully won't need surgery!!!
So back to work in the "studio" - I have decided to start writing and speaking in Artist terms - not lesser words because I think I am not really an artist - I am! 
I have finished my highly prized granddaughter, Cloee - entitled: the essence of pink!  Sunday Sketches -You'll have to see her again next week because I love the matting that I've ordered for her - it was out of stock so I want to share her totally completed but for today no mat...
Cloee - the Essence of Pink
Thanks to Sophia for hosting Sunday Sketches a true source of inspiration, so much talent there!  Please visit - you won't be disappointed!!!

And back over at Sketchbook Challenge the theme for February is OPPOSITES!!!  I was soooooooo excited that it wasn't hearts!!!
opposites come together
In my moleskin sketchbook this is my interpretation of Opposites!  Watercolor with pitt pen.  I will probably have note cards made of this...I like it!  It is so different from any that I have in my sets of cards.  Thanks to Sue Bleiweiss and her group of artists' for hosting such a fun challenge!

I have also started to study Flying Lessons - an e-course  offered by Kelly Rae Roberts... WOW is all I can say and I am only 50 pages into it!!!  So with my new artist attitude I hope to improve my blog, my work and my creative business!!!!

Cheers, Go Packers!!! Make a great week!!!
make art, make friends - share art, share souls!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

help the cause

One Cause, One Wednesday, One Hundred Collages

One Cause – The Fight Against Cancer.

One Wednesday – February 16, 2011.

One Hundred Collages – Created for this event by an all-star team of artists: Natalya Aikens, Pamela Allen, Laura Ann Beehler, Liz Berg, Pokey Bolton, Laura Cater-Woods, Jette Clover, Jane Davila, Jane Dunnewold, Jamie Fingal, Gloria Hansen, Leslie Tucker Jenison, Lyric Kinard, Jeanelle McCall, Linda Teddlie Minton, Karen Stiehl Osborn, BJ Parady, Judy Perez, Wen Redmond, Cynthia St. Charles, Virginia A. Spiegel

The goal – Raise $8,000 for the American Cancer Society in just one day. More details and a preview of artwork:

Fiberart For A Cause has already donated over $205,000 to the American Cancer Society through the generosity of fiber artists and their patrons.