Sunday, May 30, 2010

Just a moment of parental pride please...

                                      My son Ben, graduated from the Fire Academy!!!

All the kids there to celebrate his moment!

Back to art - two new followers - your names are now in the hat for the drawing.  Hoping more will be joining you!  I had a "take flight" inspiration land in my lap while working in the yard the other day - although, this beautiful creature was in the garage!

Can't wait to see the entries - I know of 3 that are coming!  How exciting is that!
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!  Thanks to our troops that keep us safe and free!  Past and Present!  IN GOD WE TRUST!!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Inspiration for a painting!!!

Finally, I have a clematis that has thrived!  She reemerged this spring, much to my surprise.  About every other year I plant one - never to live to the following season or to produce too many blooms the first year either.  Soooooooooo, last year I found the perfect spot!  Although small she bloomed and stayed healthy.  When I saw her head poking through this spring, I was very excited.  This morning while sitting out on the deck playing frisbee with Sophie, I leaned over the rail and was WOWED!  Several more blooms that are beginning the climb up onto the deck railing!  Yes, a painting is in the making!  Nature is truly a never ending canvas!!!
don't forget to enter the challenge!!! entries due by June 10th!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Yes, Enter the Challenge!!!

If you have never entered a challenge - this is the time!  You may not think you have enough talent BUT you DO!!!  Art is in the eye of the beholder - the nice thing is everyone likes something different, there is no type of art that is "IT", the only thing considered "ART".  The first challenge I entered was at Mide Wide Open, 2008.  Gail gives you a picture and a word trigger.  You then create!!!  It was interesting for me to see all the different pieces that came out of the same origin.  The word was "remembrance" and the photo was of a young woman - vintage.   Most of the followers of MWO are vintage - crafters/artists. (of note, the challenge last month was similiar - using an image of a woman and the word courage - the winner did a beautiful patriotic tribute to the firefighters of 9/11) I am not really into vintage but felt I had to get my feet wet.  I had all kinds of things running through my head but kept thinking 911.  The word remembrance kept taking me back to the events of Sept. 11th.  I remembered how immediately we came together as a nation - we forgot about ourselves and remembered our family, friends, neighbors - and were even kind and helpful to strangers.  It seemed to me, that for about six months people lost their selfishness and compassion was filling the streets.  Then it left - politics entered into hindsight and pointing fingers became the status quo.  How sad!  So - I sent in my eclectic entry - not really vintage but trying to incorporate my theme -
I created a post card!
So then I decided to do it alittle more my way.  I made "remembrance" a post card to send friends and family to honor Sept. 11th.  Mailed 100 cards out hoping that people would take a minute to reflect on what  a great nation we are and how fortunate we are to have the freedoms that allow us to even speak out against her without getting your head chopped off.  I don't support those that do that but do they realize the only reason they can is because it is AMERICA, THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE!!!  Sorry - off on a tangent.  I also created ATC (artist trading cards), limited number and have shared with card traders as far as Sweden!
So, don't be intimidated!  Just jump in and create your version of "Take Flight".  There are no losers here!  Creating is exciting and takes you to new places!  Entries due by June 10th, to my email - I don't know how to do the links and all that yet but working on my computer skills.  send to:
WINNER TO BE ANNOUNCED ON JUNE 13th!  Winner of the drawing for becoming a follower will also be announced!  What are you waiting for!!!!  Cheers, dana

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ART CHALLENGE... Postcards with a message!

HERE WE GO...the first Sinderella's Studio ART CHALLENGE!  I have participated in a few challenges and am always inspired by the work that is submitted!  So, with that in mind the challenge is to create a postcard that conveys the message: "TAKE FLIGHT".
Use whatever medium you wish, you may use the message or not but it must convey the meaning of TAKE FLIGHT to the recipient.  The size required is 6 X 4 1/4.  Remember that you can use both sides but there must be space for traditional use, space for a note and the ability to address the card.  Therefore, both sides must be presented in your entry.

THE WINNER will receive 5 prints of their card AND A GODIVA CHOCOLATE TREAT...
also, if you chose not to enter the challenge but become a FOLLOWER of my blog your name will be put in a drawing for a surprise packet!  Should you do both, you will be entered in both.
Entries must be sent to: by June 10th, 2010!

Cheers, dana

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Penny at Palaver from Pellie and Genghis Khat's blog - click on her site that I follow.  What a boat load of treasures!!!  I can hardly wait to start cutting, glueing, stitching and painting with all - and I do mean ALL - of the items I received.  A wonderful piece of jade that is displayed on my art table to keep my mojo going!  A handmade bag filled with all kinds of lace.  Sheet music galore - man do I have ideas for that!  two ceramic booties, old paper back storybooks, threads, mother-of-pearl buttons in the most incredible containers - you can see in the picture- patent applied for- on these button boxes!!! She had two other giveaways also - once again they included awesome treasures! 
Isn't this GREAT !!!!

It is hard to believe that in blogland so much is shared and friendships established with people we probably will not meet!  Penny's giveaway has encouraged me to put together a CHALLENGE.  Keep watching, I will be posting specifics next week!!!  It involves Godiva Chocolates to the winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Make a great day - here in Michigan it is one of those days that makes this a great place to live when it's not winter!
Cheers, dana

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mixed Media with a message...

Here she is all matted and framed ready to go to the Silent Auction!  I trust her message and motivation will be well received!  Here's to women everywhere that take a leap of faith - believe in themselves - climb the ladder and reach for their dreams!  Supporters, mentors and cheerleaders along the way - but never looking for hand outs - just looking for the opportunity to achieve through hard work, dedication and passion. 
All that said it is Nurses' Week - I appreciate and admire those that serve others with these same qualities I've just mentioned!
Hug a Nurse today - they deserve our thanks!
Cheers, dana

Monday, May 3, 2010

my 100th post & MOTTO FOR SUCCESS

That is the title for the piece I did for the Dream Girls Benefit's silent auction.  The proceeds go to the Womens Center of Greater Lansing - a very worthy cause!!!  The mixed media collage is built around the quote, "If you are all wrapped up in yourself, you are overdressed." Kate Halverson

I felt it was an important message that would accompany the cause.  So many lose sight of what is important and become self centered.  I hope someone bids on her - in person she conveys a true sense of the message.

I will have note cards and 5 x 7 prints available:  Note cards $10 for a packet of 6 - Prints with matting $12.50 - each sale will send $1.00 to the womens center!!!

This is my 100th post - wow, I still don't know what I'm doing but I've come a long way baby!
Cheers, dana

motto for success
mixed media collage 5-2010