Okay - I have really slacked off but am back on the band wagon! I plan (yes, plan) on posting more often. I want to yack about my art - of course - my running plans to keep going and this is where I am going to hold myself accountable for getting it done.
Of course, I will be talking about my GRANDKIDS! Got to love it! The seventh one due any day now but for sure by the 21st as a c-section is scheduled if not here by then. Ben is expecting another boy!
so - off to the tread mill for 3 miles! Then off to catch up with a couple friends that I have not seeen in forever. Back home to dust of the art table - and then to the never ending laundry room and kitchen to do an awesome dinner!
Make this your best year yet - hug everyone that you love, life is short! We have another friend that has been given bad news about cancer and it really smacks you in the face!
MAKE A GREAT DAY - don't wait for it - go get it!