Tuesday, February 14, 2012

with alittle help from my friends!!!

So happy valentine's day...I have the day off and am just enjoying my morning.  Yesterday I celebrated my 55th birthday!!!  I made cupcakes, as I do every year for all the patients at work, they love it and I received all kinds of hugs and good wishes.  Then came home to a couple friends just popping in with wishes and a card, a nice surprise.  Mark's daughter returned from a 3 week clinical in California with her cows to pick up her dog - yes!!! and the 3 of us went out for a burger and beer.  Nice and quiet just how I like it these days.  Received calls from all the kids and g-kids, as well as, many facebook happy's!!!!  So, as I relax today and just soak up the calm I popped over to
then had to sit down with a book I received from a friend for Christmas: 642 things to draw by Chronicle Books...and just doodled the spirit of today!!!  the trigger phrase is: a string of DNA, I think I've got it!!!

Enjoy your day with your loved ones...smile at stranger's, they may be alone!!!
cheers, dana
make art, make friends - share art, share souls


  1. sounds like a perfect birthday and what a sweetheart you are to treat people on YOUR birthday, I love your style.Belated Happy Birthday!

  2. A very Happy Belated Natal Anniversary!!!!
    Sounds like you had a marvelous day!

  3. Your family of hearts is the perfect DNA strand, I LOVE it!!!! Happy birthday, sounds like you had a wonderful one!!! Deb

  4. Happy Birthday! Sounds like a wonderful day.
