Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Only 2 nights left to complete

my husband Mark,
one of our Structual Gods!

our creation... we started with the truckload and it is all coming together.  I can't believe it!  Our leader has great vision and THE GUYS...what skill!  I have learned how to use a plasma cutter (I have to get one!).  I am now in LOVE with rust!!!!  Here is a sneak peak at what we're doing...can't show much until Friday - the official unveiling!!!!  I will also post twice can text a vote in for our work!!!  One call per number.  Once we drop the sculpture off we will be assigned a number for voters...sort of like American Idol!  So even though you won't know if our sculpture is the best....
PLEASE TEXT IN YOUR VOTE FOR PEOPLE'S CHOICE TO JunkAnew-bies team!!!!  Visit to find out about this great event! 
 I will post info!  Not sure what is wrong with blogger but I had to paste the pics in?????  What's up?

some of the guts of our work!!!
The completed piece will be posted for Kristin and Eva's Paint Party Friday!!!!!!   So please check back!!!!!
cheers, dana
all works copyright of sinderella studio and dana strickland


  1. Blogger seems to be having fallouts, dropouts, I don't know whatS1 Valerie

  2. Hope all goes well on Friday for the unveiling:)

  3. you can be sure I'll cast my vote!!
    can hardly wait to see!!
    lots of people are having blogger problems!

  4. GLAD TO HEAR IT'S NOT A "PIC" problem...Person In Chair!!!
