Friday, June 24, 2011

Paint Party Friday ...and TEXT YOUR VOTE TO 411669 - scrap11

(Back from the drop off - won't have voting number until 6pm so as soon as back from that visit to the competition - will post so we can get your vote -read below first or this won"t make sense) TEXT VOTE TO 411669 message: scrap11 anytime after 6 pm 6-24-11 Michigan time thru 6-25-2011 at 5 pm!!!
Old Town ScrapFest 2011...and the Junk-Anew-bies team!!!! 500lbs of scrap, a creative lead artist...3 guys that can extraordinary...I did a bit of painting here and there....cooked lots!!!

Poured more!

What an incredible experience! Thanks to Stacy Love, she had the guts to ask us and we all jumped on board. So for Paint Party Friday - the Coupe de gra!!! (I am sure I have THAT spelled wrong - but you get the idea)

Hickory Liquory Clock....

Junk-Anew Vintage 2011

The champagne bottle to your viewing left inside the giant spring was a brass part from a that counts as paint party friday as I copied it to appear as a bottle of dom perignon...this is a functional piece of rack!!! Please read the incredible Artist Statement that Stacy submitted for our team!!! We were all outside of our comfort zone on this project and soooooooo happy we did it!!!

in the beginning

So, I am getting ready to leave to take the sculpture to the competition...Stacy is meeting me here and we are driving the Junk-Anew-bies mobile!!! Hope I don't have to hit the brakes...

If you have time please view the statement...AND I WILL BE POSTING A NUMBER TO TEXT YOUR VOTE FOR PEOPLE'S CHOICE IN THE COMPETITION...PLEASE VOTE...IT STARTS AT 6pm - TONIGHT MICHIGAN TIME!!!! One vote per phone number and it will be tallied on going showing on the side of an old building at the festival!!!! Keep our numbers rolling please...we get our number once we deliver the sculpture so please check back... I will edit this post to add it!!! THANKS TO KRISTIN AND EVA FOR HOSTING AND FOR ALL OF YOU WILLING TO VOTE!!!! Here we go!

Thanks for reading...following the event...sorry it's soooooo long winded BUT seriously an experience of a lifetime!!!!
cheers, dana

all material copyright dana strickland and sinderella studio 2011


  1. Great work and good luck in the competition! Valerie

  2. So creative. Love the Junk anew vintage - wonderfully crafty! good luck!

  3. Love your scrap sculpture. Happy PPF! Marcia

  4. What a fun event to host or enter. Good luck. I'll check back later.

  5. What a great job you guys did.

    Although it's not a piece I'd put in my living room - it is definitely creative,imaginative and textural.

    Love the whimsy.


  6. Brilliant! all that work and all that junk and it actually looks like something! Good luck.

  7. How wonderful! Great work in bringing the "junk" back to life. Nothing like feeling good about recyling. You Rock!! Happy PPF! Good luck at the event.

  8. Very cool re-purpose artwork! Wonderful! Good Luck & Happy PPF!

  9. Yay..such beautiful work..very inspiring..shine on!

  10. thanks everyone...back from the drop off - WOW super stiff competition and I don't get the vote number until 6 pm when I get back from that I'll post!!!

    This is a detailed description of my "art background." But long story short, I learned from my father and grandmother.
    Oh and good luck with your piece, I think it's great!

  12. This is amazing! From the first picture you can't experience the size until you see it in the back of the truck. This is so very cool, good luck!

    P.S. Feel free to share my Wish Bomb link, I would be tickled!

  13. Terrific work, good luck with the competition. Happy PPF, Annette

  14. this is seriously a fabulous piece!! are you guys going to fight over it or "draw straws" or "round robin" it ina sense!! really..i love it!!
    loved you artist statement..that alone should win a prise!!
    good luck to all of you..!!!

  15. Wow that is amazing! Best of luck in the competition. So exciting!

  16. WOW!!! This is just amazing. You guys must have been bursting with pride when it was done.

  17. thank you for all the comments. we don't get to keep it. The piece is auctioned off thru a silent auction thru-out the festival. fund raiser for old town development.

  18. How amazingly cool! So much fun too! Good luck although I'm sure you don't need it!:)x

  19. How fun is this? And texting a vote is brilliant! Happy PPF. :-)

  20. Fantastic recycle work. Well Done!

  21. Looks great! Good luck to you with the competition. :)

  22. I love love junk almost as much as I like embellishments!! Very cool!!
