Sunday, June 26, 2011


We fell short of the People's Choice trophy, we were second - which counts the same as last...BUT for the silent auction our piece brought the most money of all the 17 entries...$1,000 was paid for our Hickory Liquory Clock.  Many of the other artists' said they were surprised we did not place.  It is a high compliment when your competition comes over and ask where did you guys come from...none of us are familiar with your work, "it's great".  Can't top that, well, it would have if we had gotten a trophy.  The event committee people said that we were their people's choice and of course, are super excited about the money the piece brought in for them.  This event gives all the silent auction money to Old Town Community development.

It was a great experience, exhausting too.  All of us work regular jobs, the guys work 12 hour days and traveled for four of our 12 days to work on it.  I had a wedding to attend and an open, I am on shut down...just doing laundry, which is piled high.  So, I have taken my poster that I made -framed it in some of our leftover scrap and will be hanging it in the was our Junk-Anew-bies headquarters for ScrapFest 2011......thanks to those that sent in a vote for us!!!!

                              hhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm 2012????????????

cheers, dana
all content copyright dana strickland and sinderella studio 2011


  1. I can't believe you didn't should have. Still, the question has to be asked: Did you enjoy the challenge? I think the answer is an overwhelming yes. Most of all you raised a lot of dosh, so Excellent and Well Done:)

  2. well..congratulations to you!!!!! You are the winner in my eyes..and probably everyone else's!! How fabulous that your piece brought in the most money..very tellng in the "you should have won" category!!!

  3. You should have won with your beautiful work, but the fact that it brought the most money says it all. And I think you had a wonderful tome, and that's the main thing! Valerie

  4. It was a fantastic experience - and it was great that my husband was involved. He does not do "art". In my eyes he does, building race cars from the ground up is art...I love watching the process when I get a chance. We are all super proud as a team and thanks so much for all your comments!!!!
