Kristin opened my eyes to a huge world of art!!!! She accepts artists' at all levels, her comments are always kind and ENCOURAGING! I first read about Kristin, not sure where, but was so impressed with a project she was involved in with
Oprah Winfrey. Kristin started her art business painting murals...
WOW, I freak out at paper that is 5 x 7...WALLS, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!
Once I started following her blog, I was mesmerized by her talent and wit! How does she come up with these connections. My brain tried and I had to laugh at myself...She finds inspiration to put all these things together and at the end - her heart (a favorite found symbol of hers ) is felt in every piece. Some of her work is serious and others magical. All of her work is vivid - even the soft pieces. I love just looking at her portraits - intense but not.
I commented once on a small piece of hers and
BAM, next thing I know I receive it in the mail!
Each time I abandon some art at the local bus stop, I am reminded of how I felt receiving her gift.
She reaches out to all of us that love to create. I don't have a picture of it, but my step-daughter, a Dairy Vet, has a Dudish hanging in her office of a PI-COW-ASSO. We all love it!
Kristin and fellow artist Eva, help expose artists' to each others work, We all draw immense inspiration and encouragement from a site they created for us to gather.
Paint Party Friday - a must visit! I can't tell you how many times I was down and out about my work; posted there and someone always said something to keep me going. Kristin and Eva's willingness to take all the time they do to keep this Party going shows a love of giving to others! I posted for quite some time and then fell into a super art slump, so I haven't posted much but am always peeking in! It is from
PPF that I found the first three artists I have written about! I also have many artists that I follow, am inspired by and in awe of their work:
Ayala Art,
Ann Hyde and her dog William,
Kristin and her girls (both on canvas and in life ) and my Michigan native born soul sister
Robin Panzer with her Chigirie hand torn paper art!!! (which we have a treasured piece of her work hanging in our home)
I would have never been exposed to all these amazing artists without Kristin and Eva's dedication to build this community! Thank you ladies!
So each time I see a heart out in nature I am reminded of
Kristin and her ability to find inspiration in everything! Life is good!
Update on class with
Tracy Verdugo...
I am working a lot of hours right now and finding it very hard to make time. I have pieces started all over the house, literally. My husband is like, "what happened to you working in your art room, oh I see the table is stacked and you are out of space! oy." Good thing he loves me!
hummingbird with blooms |
Tracy had us save our paper paint palettes from our first lesson - now to take those palettes and find a painting...
Believe it or not I was able after looking at these for several days to SEE images...
So they both have been started along with my dream catchers... hoping to complete these this week.
This is the most amazing class...sure wish I could be going to the Indiana retreat as originally planned but next year I will get an in-person experience.
Now - to get some time with the canvas...
life is short - go enjoy it!