Sunday, August 7, 2011

the barn....

I am pretty happy with the way the barn came out BUT know my dad will be critical that my background is not dark like the photo I shared with you last week.   How to get that hazing deep should I just leave it bright and clean....after all this all about the roof-line of the barn.

Please let me know what you think I can do to add to this painting.  Matting will do alot to pull it in...I just keep looking at it and thinking of the Mark Mehaffey lecture I went to ...he would say this is seed catalog work...but I like it!!!
Also must share this mornings sunrise looks like the moon!

I love sitting out on the deck in the morning drinking my coffee...I love summer!!!!

Thanks to Sophia for hosting Sunday Sketches and all the wonderful art that we share each week!!!!

Also, please check back tomorrow.  I received a blog award from Marfi at Incipient Wings...she is so magically whimsical!  Anyways, I have to share 7 random things about myself - yikes - and sending the award onto 7 others! 

Remember:  make art, make friends - share art, share souls!!!

cheers, dana
now off to watch my daughter-in-law and granddaughter get baptized...and grandson's 2nd b-day!

all contents copyright dana strickland/sinderella studio


apinkdreamer said...

well,i would add a little collage or embellishments in your arlready beautiful painting!!!
thanks so much for your nice and so inspiring comment! you must have a great mom!!!

apinkdreamer said...

do you remember perhaps what kind of herbs you used?

Sinderella's Studio said...

I believe dried oregano to keep away spirits!!! and lavendar I am sure!

carol l mckenna said...

Your barn is excellent and do think I like the 'light' rather than the dark ~ thanks for sharing your talent ~ namaste, Carol ^_^

My blog is Share the Creative Journey ~ do come by and visit ~ love to have you comment ~ thanks^_^

Heather said...

i would agree with you, too! I love summer and my morning coffee. seriously, what could be better?
I really like the softenss of the barn, too - it's a peaceful painting!

WrightStuff said...

I think it's fine as is. You are right about it being about the roof line, so that needs to stand out.

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh this is lovely how it is! I love how you have gotten the lines of the structure created. I also like the background - it is very dreamy and hazy which is cool sort of like a memory :).

Kristin Dudish said...

I think it is beautiful just as it is - I love the softness of it.


Morph Waffle said...

It's pretty, I like the background, lovely piece!

Unknown said...

I love this barn watercolour!!! what a fab piece.....

Wanda's Wings said...

Brings back memories, Very nice.

Jenn Bower said...

I think it looks great. I've always heard to think of your work as light against dark and dark against light for maximum visual impact. Since your barn is so gorgeous and the focus of this piece I would keep it as such. If you darken the background you run the risk of losing the focus on the barn. Really great work.

Julia Christie said...

I love the softness of this just as it is! Really lovely!


Valerie-Jael said...

Your barn is coming along nicely, perhpas some other building that there there?

Christine said...

I'm happy with your barn too! It makes me think fall's coming.

Joni Nickrent said...

I think it looks great as is...I like the light feel that it portrays! Great job! POP ART MINIS

Debbie said...

Your painting is nice the way it is!

lissa said...

I would place the barn with a sunny background, some daylight scene perhaps?

Pellie / Penny said...

I like your picture just as it is.


apinkdreamer said...

thank you!!!!

Anonymous said...

i like ur painting. maybe u shud leave it that way. .

Sinderella's Studio said...

Thanks everyone...I am going to leave it as is my dad's barn as a child and it is for him. I hope he is as complementary as all of you have been!!!lol
I am still getting around to Sunday's visits...
cheers, dana

Joanne Osband said...

I like the color of the barn.....nice soft touch. The light sky gives the whole painting an airiness and does not detract from the focus on the barn.

Kristin Aquariann said...

The barn looks great!! It should be the focus, so the background works as is.

Also, congratulations on the blog award! Hurray for random facts. :D

Marfi-topia said...

The barn looks incredible Dana!
Great work!

GalleryJuana said...

the colors on the barn are pretty. The background works well with the barn colors.

If you wanted a comparison, maybe you could do another one?