Sunday, July 15, 2012

My thoughts on my online classes & SS...

using one of Lisa's assignment backgrounds - working on ideas for
my commissioned Flamingo painting
WOW, in reviewing the last 8 weeks of my artistic journey, it is hard to express verbally all that has gone on in my head.  I took Lisa Wright's Wright Braine-Course...and Natasha May's Cotton Candy Girls just ahead of Lisa's but they did run together near the end.  There were points when I read an exercise from the Wright Brain course and went boo...this isn't what I signed up for BUT - HOLD ON THERE MISSY - YES, IT IS EXACTLY WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING/SEARCHING FOR!!!  At first, when Lisa was talking about story writing...I didn't get that as part of my artistic journey but it is!!!!  In previous online classes I've taken the instructor just shows you how to duplicate "their" work - so If you do a good job & you post it - people think you have a piece of so & so's work - or they go Oh, she's taken so & so's class.  Your viewers really don't see it as "yours".  So how do you go about making your work your own?  That was Lisa's message.  How do I find things/subjects to make into art verses copying someone elses...?  Lisa's course has given me new thinking and SIGHT.  It took me a couple exercises to figure that out but when the bulb went on - WOW - a whole new world is opening up for me.  As I said, I was finishing Natasha May's Cotton Candy Girl course (excellent) as I started Lisa's.  It was beneficial to me to do both somewhat together.  I took the CCG class because it forced me to do something different! loved it!  Working Lisa's lessons too, I started to see things differently & one of my CCG's turned into a salsa girl after I observed a beautiful hispanic woman at a ballgame.  I would have NEVER put that all together without their class exposure!

I did not do every single less on paper but read them over and over, even if I didn't have time to do that particular assignment.  I will at some point though.  I read them silently, then aloud.  I  read them off the monitor - then in print.  I read until I heard the message and a flip switched in my brain allowing the true lesson to be "WRIGHT" in front of  me.  This has been a wonderful experience and I believe my abilities have grown immensly because of it!  Thank you Lisa for sharing the artistic message of creating!

Thanks to Alexandra for hosting Sunday Sketches where I first met Lisa Wright!!

cheers, dana
make art, make friends - share art, share souls


Unknown said...

Great message and great feeling when your own style comes through.. :)

manomij said...

I loved reading your post and I hope you are on the road you have always wanted to be on. Great painting, I love it when things appear out of something unexpected!

GalleryJuana said...

great point on how important it is to keep your own style showing through in your art work. Congratulations on the commission.

Lynn Cohen said...

Want to see more of this...nice to be commissioned. Bravo!

Molly said...

sounds like it was a great class with a wonderful learning curve. i know exactly what you mean, too. i have taken several courses with artists i really admire, but i feel guilty by the end because i feel like the end result is just copying their style. it sounds like you found the perfect class for working around that!

Nora MacPhail said...

Glad you liked your class! Good teachers can be such a wonderful inspiration. Have fun.

Heather said...

very the watery feeling of the pa int

Sinderella's Studio said...

yep, just a sketech on Lisa's background but working into a direction for the real piece!!! Please check her work out and any future classes she offers...EYES WIDE OPEN!

Natasha said...

Go you. It is the putting things together, and trying new things that helps us find ourselves on our page I think. Taking a bit from here, and a bit from there...and how exciting to be commissioned! :)

carol l mckenna said...

Fantastic post and love your sketch ~ be true to you! ~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

Ann said...

beautiful piece Dana!!
wonderful post!

Jez said...

A really good in-depth and thoughtful piece on Lisa's course, Dana. I haven't been able to keep up lately, but like you will continue with the inspiration @Lisa wright has given me. Must get round to doing this review on hoe I have benefitted ........

WrightStuff said...

Oh my... just read this and I can't tell you how much you have touched me. It makes me so happy to know how I have inspired you and that my different approach worked!! There's a MASSIVE hug coming your way!!

Alicia C said...

what a great post! it's great to see creativity so rewarding & rewarded - love the flamingo too!

Tracey FK said...

So sorry to be getting here so late but we finally had some sun so we made the most of it while it lasted....It is exciting to start to find your own legs artistically and glad you got so much from both courses... great to hear about your journey...xx

Giggles said...

I was very inspirational, opening my eyes to new ways even if I
haven't completed each lesson! It certainly sparked my creative lull into routine!! Can't wait to try the rest of the lessons! Great review!

Hugs Giggles

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I loved what you wrote. :) This is exactly what I was searching for starting out on my creative journey. Don't you just love light bulb moments? :))

Geri said...

It's always great when you discover your authentic artistic "voice"

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