Sunday, September 2, 2012

SS and my angel eyes girls continue

Here is the girl I am currently doing.  She is babushka girl!  I love saying that.  The young girls I work with don't even know what a babushka is!!!!  Anyways she should be fun!  It is a busy weekend for everyone I am sure!  I am sooooooooooooooo looking forward to two days off in a row.  I trust everyone will have a safe and fun Labor Day weekend.

Thanks to Alexandra for hosting Sunday Sketches, can't wait to visit everyone!
cheers, dana
make art, make friends - share art, share souls


Kristin said...

She's brilliant! AND I LOVE her glasses - which to me, are very hard to do. Well done! xoxo

Lynn Cohen said...

Babushka girls remind me of my Russian ancestors, the scarves my great grandmother must have the shetel. Happy Sunday Sketching.

Tam Hess said...

Oh I like her glasses especially. She looks like she has a lot of potential both artistically and she looks really smart. Is it the glasses? hehe xoxo

Christine said...

Wonderful Babushka girl!

Morph Waffle said...

Great girl, love her babushka and her glasses!

WrightStuff said...

I've got Kate Bush singing in my head now!! Ohhh ohhh babushka babushka.......

Tracey FK said...

Great babushka girl and I am jealous of your long weekend as I sit here on Monday morning and try to mentally prepare myself for school drop off...xx

Serena Lewis said...

Love your Babushka girl! I grew up calling those head scarves, Babushkas....never seem to hear it much any more.

Anonymous said...

Swell looking babushka girl!

Debbie said...

great job on the babushka girl!

Jez said...

Now I know what a babushka is, thanks. See them all the time here in the UK.
Yes, yes, I like this girl, she looks a serious, thoughtful girl, and I like the fact that she is not smiling. Yes, I'll have her!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I really like these girls of yours with glasses. :) Hey, will those books make me cry? Cause I cried like a mad woman with Marley and I. :))

GalleryJuana said...

That is a fun word to say. Love the cat eye glasses you've chosen for her. Hope you had a good weekend!