Sunday, March 13, 2011


GOOD MORNING SUNDAY SKETCHES!!!  Well, I posted this journal page about 10 days ago - in process, then done but not - didn't really like it SO (and this is one of the things I LOVE ABOUT BEING AN ARTIST - you can throw it away, start over or just keep messing around with what you've got) I followed Darlene's suggestion from A Dancing Mango...

flight to freedom...
added color to the wings - glitter - and words that fit the journey.  I am at least satisfied enough to now turn the page and move on!!!  Thanks to Sophia (her dad still in our thoughts) for hosting Sunday Sketches, this site has had the BIGGEST impact on my motivation to keep striving to get better!!!  I love all the work that shows up here - a truly talented group of people that encourage and inspire!

I am also working on something new using watercolor canvas - not sure I like how the canvas takes the paint but here is the start...

I hope to have this completed by Friday - or will post its progress - for the kick off of Paint Party Friday hosted by Kristin Dudish and Eva (both Sunday Sketches participants) - check it out, should be fun!

For those of you that just stop in on Sunday's, I'd like to share a re-posting of my most recent depiction of "Spilling Over" for the March Sketchbook Challenge... this is another site that makes me think and stretch!

Democracy spilling over worldwide
I feel for all people fighting for human rights... I also am watching in shock with all that is happening in Japan.  People everywhere with struggles I can't imagine.  I am truly blessed and grateful.
Be sure to MAKE ART - MAKE FRIENDS / SHARE ART - SHARE SOULS this week!!!  Send someone you haven't talked to in awhile a piece you create... the idea is miles of smiles across our country!
cheers, dana


Heather said...

LOVE what you did here for spilling over! great one. Also the top illustration came out very nice, too - the colors and the addition of the glitter. great idea from darlene! have a great sunday

Pellie / Penny said...

the changes you made on the dragonfly - sure made him
pop and truly become the main focus of the picture.


Christine said...

thanks for sharing all your recent work. I especially like 'flight to freedom'.

Kristin Dudish said...

Oooh - glitter! (I was actually a fan of this drawing from the start... so glad you kept with it).

Thank you so much for mentioning Paint Party Friday - We can't wait!!!


Unknown said...

wonderful collection today!!!! I especially have a thing for dragonflies!!!!

Deanna said...

I love how the top image turned out. Gotta love glitter! The watercolor looks like it's off to a good start. I've never worked on watercolor canvas, not that I've worked much in watercolor to begin with.

Unknown said...

Love the dragonfly... am liking the lady by the palm tree...

Marlene said...

The dragonfly turned out nicely. I am really loving your lady with the book under the tree and I am looking forward to seeing it Friday.

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful lady with the palm tree, I like the relaxing feeling of it.
your dragonfly is sweet too.

Lenora said...

I love democracy and what it speaks for - wow you are so productive!

lissa said...

nice start on the new piece. it's looks relaxing.

have a great sunday!

EVA said...

Thanks Dana for the shout-out! We are so looking forward to seeing works-in-progress and finished paintings! I am hoping to make progress on the painting stalled on my desk. These check-ins we hope will obliterate such future stallings!

I love these pieces - DEMOCRACY - WOW! How powerful! And your lady against the tree is looking good! See you Friday!!

A Fairy Godmother said...

Love the palm tree - makes me feel relaxed and dreamy

Debbie said...

I love how your complete sketch turned out and the one you've started shows such great promise! I also like your people at the bottom.xoxo

Sinderella's Studio said...

Thanks for all the comments - I do have to tell you I think I liked the dragonfly best when it was just ink on paper. However, the wings did make it take off in the end!
again, thanks!

Morph Waffle said...

What lovely pieces! I really like the first one.

Jehanne's doodles said...

oh these are wonderful. I really like the dragon fly and all the little hidden butterflies and details.

Hannah said...

I really love the palm tree piece. I like the watery effect.

Reflections said...

Fabulous adjust... I too love how the inspiration of others deeply inspires my own creative juices. This has been a crazy week, so hoping tomorrow might give way to some creative flow.

Helen said...

Love what you have done and how it has turned out

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