Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday Sketches...summers ending....

I keep bopping around and looking at all the great work here in blogland...between Paint Party Fridays and Sunday, just amazing work and inspiration to be found.  I sometimes get overwhelmed and stop participating because I feel that unless I produce something "worthy" I shouldn't post.  I don't want people to feel they have to compliment work that isn't really good.  I realize that it isn't about creating a masterpiece - IT IS ABOUT THE DOING!!!  So, this morning I was up really really early - long story that I will save you from - just sipping my morning coffee, listening to the rain and GRABBED MY SHARPIES!!!  Pencil doodled and marker doodled my thoughts for the upcoming day. (Thank you Darla, doodling in my mind!!!)  Splashed some blue to convey my soothing mood and am done! 

HAPPY SUNDAY TO EVERYONE....PLEASE SCROLL DOWN TO FRIDAY'S POST OR just know that next Friday I am pulling a name out of my favorite coffee cup to receive Kelly Rae Roberts book, Taking Flight.  We all need books to put our hands and eyes on to start our artsy wheels turning!!!  I have been so inspired by her work and all you Friday Sunday artists' that I just want to share some art-time!!!!
Thanks to our Sunday host Sophie - her mushrooms today just crack me up as I wanted to make my helmet look like a mushroom (because that's what it looks like I have on my head when I ride) but couldn't master it...wished I had checked in with her first!!!
cheers, dana
make art, make friends - share art, share souls!


Heather said...

I like this!! I enlarged it on my screen and the self portrait looks so happy! great expression - yes, i hope the rain goes away for you! i like the traffic signals, too! -
Happy Sunday!

carol l mckenna said...

Sketch is great ~ like anything we have to practice, practice, practice ~ I am still practicing! thanks for sharing, namaste, CArol (Share the Creative Journey) (^_^)

Joni Nickrent said...

I think your doodle is dandy and beyond! Happy creating keep the adventure going! Happy Sunday Sketches...glad you joined in the fun! POP ART MINIS

Lenora said...

Looks like its going to be a good day! I feel inspired to ride or run its a happy page!

Kristin Dudish said...

I love the idea of starting your day this way! It looks like you have lots of fun in store for today... Enjoy!!!


Unknown said...

I love your sketch...and like Carol says...practice practice and I'm still practicing and's all about the fun and how your art makes you feel... have a good Sunday :) so glad you joined..

Anonymous said...

I agree with Heather above,, this is just so happy and beautiful, I also hope the rain rain goes away and doesn't come back for a few

Christine said...

you've conveyed a great mood, I like your sketch very much!

Valerie-Jael said...

Love your spontaneous colour sketch, that's the spirit! It radiates cheerfulness. Hugs, Valerie

Wanda's Wings said...

So happy and delightful.

Morph Waffle said...

A great morning sketch book page! I hope it stops raining so you can go riding!

m7 said...

beautiful sketch. love the colours in it. :)

WrightStuff said...

Quite right - it is definitely about the doing. Sometimes we surprise ourselves too when we keep on at a picture that we don't think much of....the Muse sneaks in for a play when we're not looking I think!

Darla said...

That is a great way to begin any day! I love it. And your sketch looks great. I love your self portrait sketch.

Anonymous said...

I admire the confidence of your sketch--the form and shapes are tight. The style is enjoyable playful and your energy and movement is so well communicated! :)

I also appreciate your thoughts shared. I can relate to what you shared. I too feel like I need to provide something "worthy" in order to participate in these challenge groups, especially when I look around and what others are sharing. You're right, though, we need to remember the joy of the process and celebrate our own creativity.

Thanks for stopping by my first post to this group, too! :)

Melisa said...

You're right, it is about the doing! PPF and SS are great motivators to get something done, for me. People don't have to comment if they don't care for something. Anyway, I do like this a lot. It says everything it needs to say for the day and it looks great, too.

Sophie with her Illustrations said...

There is something that you said that stayed with me when you mentioned that it's not about creating the Masterpiece but about creating and doing. I love the genuine of your passion in this sketch and never compare your talents to others :)

Ann said...

your sketch is so happy!! I like it so much!! I'm always impressed with drawing and painting..I can't do either!!xoxo

Linda E. Pruitt said...

Thanks for the inspiration. I really need to sketch a journal and not worry about how good or bad that it is!

Nicola said...

Hi Dana! I hope you got to ride!! I really like this entry, very fun and happy!!! :0) I couldn't go for my run today as it was raining so I know how you feel. I can also relate to feeling a bit overwhelmed sometimes in participating in the weekly prompts, I seem to regularly participate in Paint Party Friday and Sunday sketches but sometimes can't even keep up with those. I didn't get to do Paint Party Friday last week, I ended up deciding not to stress and had fun working on something on the saturday for Sophia's prompt. I think it depends on how crazy life is at the moment, as long as you have fun creating something I think that's the main thing! Thanks for sharing :0)

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