Sunday, May 8, 2011


To my mom, a profound thank you for teaching me it is okay to be different!  For encouraging me to be all that I dreamt of...for showing me how to step outside the box!!!  My mom is my biggest fan of anything I do.  If I show her artwork - she always loves it!  If I say I want to fly - she tells me I can!  She is a woman of courage - even though she shudders on the inside - she walks tall and is an inspiration to any that met her!

me and my mom at last years Artists' by the Lake show!
to me my mom preaches Merry Everyday so is the inspiration for this painting which I put as the cover to her calendar I did for 2011!!!

my mom at 6 years old

SOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY MOTHERS my other mom's.... Aunt Carol, Aunt Myrna, Aunt Norma, Sandy and to my daughter in law Becky mom of 3 of our grandchildren!  Chelsea, daughter in law to be next weekend mom to 2 of our grandchildren and Mark's daughter Jen - mom of 2 of our grandchildren.  I must say that these 3 girls are mom's to be admired.  I am so proud to know them and have them in my life!

cheers!  enjoy your day ladies! (sharing with Sunday Sketches - thanks to Sophia for hosting)

p.s. supposed to be 68 here today...yep a Harley day!!!!  love my new bike!


Valerie-Jael said...

Love your painting, and the lovely photo of your Mom as a kid. Happy Mothers day! Vaerie

Marlene said...

Happy Mother's Day to you. Awesome painting and title.

EVA said...

Love your cover and what a wonderful tribute to the mothers in your life!!

Happy SS and Mother's Day!!

Debbie said...

I love your pretty painting! Happy Mother's Day!!

Christine said...

beautiful sketch and tribute to mom's day, have a great one!

WrightStuff said...

Happy Mother's Day to you! We had ours in the UK in March!

What a pretty painting.

Heather said...

happy mother's day. a beautiful picture of your mom, too! It's great having a mother who believes in you - i love the thought of "merry everyday!"

Tammie Lee said...

Your 'Happy Everyday' is beautiful as can be. Lovely to read about your wonderful mother.

Ann said...


Morph Waffle said...

Happy mother's day, love the pic of you and your mom. Beautiful piece, what a lovely gift idea! also like the pic of your 16 year old mon!

Joni Nickrent said...

Great Post and wonderful piece!

Deanna said...

Beautiful tribute to your mom. Love the painting you did. I was thinking of making up calendars with my artwork for some of my family members. I just may have to do that for Christmas this year.

Sinderella's Studio said...

Ladies, I gave my parents calendars with my artwork for xmas this past year - super huge hit! A must do!
Thanks for all the comments!

The Artful Diva said...

I love the little Merry Everyday sketch on your mom's calendar - it's perfectly delightful! I hope you enjoyed Mother's Day.


Nicola said...

Gorgeous painting!!! And I just love that photo of your mum as a child, what a cutie :0) Happy Mothers day :0)

Unknown said...

Nice painting. Belated Happy Mother's day to you!

Heel in Mint

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