Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday Sketches...In Orb-it!!!

As my busy world is spinning, so much going on!  Work is busy, babysat last night and that was busy!  Nothing like a seven year old and 3 year old to keep you hopping - great fun!  Grandpa, Jackson and Neva!

Wedding only 2 weeks away - Mothers Day in-between...yikes!  So to sooth my soul I did a journal page in soft blues - layered watercolor spheres/ was a glazing exercise in one of my books.  As I looked at the page I felt like getting inside one of the orbs and just traveling around viewing everything from an outside perspective... taking in all that life has to offer... so many smiles!

In Orb-it
 Used my sharpie fine point markers to color in the butterfly!  I love these markers for quick fun.  No fuss- no mess, so can get my art-fix quick!   My special project is at the framers...can't wait to share soon.

Make art, make friends - share art, share souls!!!  thanks to Sophia for sharing this site each Sunday...Sunday Sketches
cheers, dana

all works on this site copyright 2011 dana strickland


gatheringwonder said...

Awesome butterfly

Valerie-Jael said...

Great work! Thanks for visiting my blog today. Nice to meet you Dana! Valerie

Heather said...

beautiful...really simply lovely! I love butterflies! xo

Andrea said...

Love it...
Great idea. Not the usual.
Happy May Dana!

Shayla said...

Babysitting...:D I used to love doing that before I had my own kid. haha. Your butterfly artwork is most certainly gorgeous! I love the orb concept.

Jehanne's doodles said...

this is wonderful. I like the concept. really cool :)

Tammie Lee said...

Hi Dana,
This is wonderful and creative, a lovely piece.

The Artful Diva said...

I can learn a lot from you! That's why I'm your newest follower ;-)

Marlene said...

I love it, I too would love to travel around in a bubble and take it all in.

Debbie said...

I love the butterfly, and can't wait to see your special project!

WrightStuff said...

Ooh special projects??

Love what you did to get your fix here.

Morph Waffle said...

Pretty, I like your orbs and the butterfly!

Lenora said...

soft and sweet!

Kristin Dudish said...

Looks like things are very fun (and busy) at your house! I hope you're making time to ride your new Harley :)


Sinderella's Studio said...

thanks for all the encouraging comments...yep, Kristin I was out yesterday for 70 this new bike!!!

GalleryJuana said...

The glazing looks like it was fun and successful.
Just noticed Kristen's comment.
You got a new Harley? Woot!

Pellie / Penny said...

Great piece of art - I really like the concept. Simple yet lovely.


Anonymous said...

cute kids and lovely butterfly drawing! :)

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