Sunday, May 29, 2011

Thanks to the Men & Women that have served!!!

and continue to serve the FREEDOM afforded us in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!
Planning on enjoying some friends and family over the extra day off!!!  Our flag is flying proudly!!

For Sunday Sketches I came across an old (1990) sketchbook I had from a community education drawing class...I have had no time to do anything this past week.  I have decided I need to refocus and reorganize (maybe just keep organized) my artroom...back to calling it gives me too much credit for what I should have and don't have going on in this room!!! Choas pretty much just choas - not alot of art!!! So while cleaning I flipped through my books!  This just makes me smile and isn't that what this weekend is about...WE in this country can smile and should MORE OFTEN.

Thanks to Sophia for hosting - and all the artists that contribute, my apologizes for not getting around promptly!  If you have a few extra minutes... you have to check out Pat and Ann's work from the Every Day in May challenge...great stuff, wish I was that disciplined and ORGANIZED to have participated!
cheers, have a safe and happy holiday where ever you are!!!!

p.s. will be spending some time on the new bike this weekend too!!!


Heather said...

happy memorial day to you too. enjoy the day off. i rally think you did a great job with this sketch!!

Jehanne's doodles said...

oh this is a fantastic drawing!

Marlene said...

Love your sketch, Minnie is one of my favorite characters. Have a very Happy Weekend.

Christine said...

Happy Memorial Day, nice sketches too. Have fun on your bike.

WrightStuff said...

Have a great day. Lovely drawing. Here in the UK we have our memorial day on the first Sunday after Nov 11th. We have a holiday this Monday too though - for Whitsun.

Joni Nickrent said...

Always fun to discover hidden away 'art treasures' from our past! Wonderful! Happy Memorial Day to you too!

jywheeler said...

Wonderful drawing....have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

WOnderful work!!! love this piece and I wish you and yours a wonderful Memorial Day!!!

Shayla said...

Happy Memorial Day! I love your sketch, Minnie to me...basically spells AMERICAN. I want to join a class that allows me to draw something neat such as this.

The Artful Diva said...

You did a great job on this - all those dots!

Morph Waffle said...

Cute sketch, don't you love going through your old sketchbooks! Give yourself the credit and call it a studio! Have fun on your bike! And enjoy the rest of your Memorial Day weekend.

Julia Christie said...

Happy Memorial Day! Great sketch - reminds me of some that I did when I was younger.


ann @ studiohyde said...

Love the sketch and have a wonderful weekend on that bike, it looks great:)

Debbie said...

Great sketch and happy Memorial day!

m7 said...

your mini mouse looks just the same as that in the paper (better actually), great job!!

lissa said...

Is that Minnie Mouse? so cute! I used to draw Minnie but I never did quite get her right.

- have a sweet day.

Valerie-Jael said...

Happy Memorial Day to you too. Love your fantastic drawing! Valerie

Ann said...

great sketch!!
have a wonderful weekend!
love the bike!! husbands is done..just needs painting! as soon as it gets home,I'll email you the photo of his 48 Harley..his baby!!!

Kristin Dudish said...

Yay! You always make me smile :)

Enjoy your time off (and make sure to where sunscreen while on your bike)!


Tammie Lee said...

such a fun fun sketch.

Linda E. Pruitt said...

I didn't have much time this week either, so I pulled out an oldee too! Love Minnie! Great sketch!


Para dibujar és necesario tener imaginación y ésta imaginación te ayuda a soportar las apatias de tu vida.


Sinderella's Studio said...

Funny Kristin, I am sitting here kicking myself for not wearing sunscreen on my arms!!! Ann, can't wait to see the 48 Harley...all you ladies - thanks for visiting and all the kind comments!!!
cheers, dana

Joanne Osband said...

COOL BIKE!!! Hope you put on plenty of miles over the weekend! Minnie looks very stylish, too :)

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