I just came from having muffins and coffee with my Mom. She is really quite a story. My mom has had many peaks and valleys in her 75 years - and I have watched 52 years of them. I think the biggest loss in my mom's life was her father, she was sixteen. I am not sure that she ever really has stopped remembering that day. He was her hero! She has had some bumpy rides for marriage but really we all learn and grow from those. Her and my dad were married 14 years - if nothing else they got the 4 D's and that made it worth while regardless. We are all different and have been needy at different times in our lives. She has always been there! My brother Dan is a constant for her, it does limit her ability to live life to its fullest in these years. She marches forward and makes him come along for the ride. Most remarkably she picked up a few years ago and went to Reno - the opportunity sounded too good to pass up - seriously. I was all on board and thought it would be great. Well, it wasn't all it was cracked up to be so back to Michigan she came. I am in total admiration for mom, the courage it took to do that most of us don't have at twenty, she was 69 if I remember right.
My mom in the last 15 years has somehow become comfortable with herself, most of the time. That wasn't always the case. She has always been ahead of her time and a hard worker! She did whatever it took to keep our family running. For a person who in earlier years, really lacked self-confidence - you would never know it by the way she carried herself. Always able to present herself in a professional energetic fashion. Through her outward actions and talks with me she taught me to believe in myself, probably
alittle too much. Everything I did, she admired and encouraged me to continue. Both my parents taught the work ethic - give more than you get. My mom, though, taught me to reach beyond myself and never look back. I credit that for my success in each career move I have made. I always started knowing nothing and ended up a top performer, well
recoginized and respected. My mom does seem a little scattered at times - we lovingly call it "Helen's Disease", which by the way I have inherited. But really all artist are scattered in some way. She represented me at my
artshow last week and my husband said she never looked more beautiful. He had never seen her so happy. My response; "My mom was in her element!" She is a people person and an artist. She belongs to the public when she is in it. When she had her store - people came in because they were drawn to it, it was amazing. I really wish she had been able to stay there - just, again,
alittle ahead of her time.
On this mothers day - I again - recognize my mom for all she has given up for others, all she has taught me! She is an inspiration, that at times has made me crazy (as I'm sure I have done to her). She is a woman that I admire and respect. She has given me her wide hips and I have her wrinkle lines but more importantly she has given me a piece of her inner soul - made me much of who I am! Today I gave her a small token of my thanks. An artist trading card to carry. I call it pocket sunshine. I told her to look at it whenever she needs a boost, a smile, a feel good! That is what she has always given me!